Inaugural processing day on 8 March

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Free technology innovation sessions from MLA and AMPC a must-see for processors. AUSPACK 2017: 7 – 10 March at Sydney Showgrounds.

Cutting-edge meat-processing technologies, such as advanced sensingwill be at the forefront of the inaugural Processing Day at AUSPACK 2017.

Anne-Marie Mina, Event Executive with Exhibition and Trade Fairs (ETF), the organisers of AUSPACK, said, "With ever-increasing numbers of processing machinery suppliers exhibiting and demonstrating their solutions, we're excited to match the interest with a dedicated processing-sector forum. Advances in automation are making a really positive impact on Australia's meat-processing industry, ensuring it remains competitive, so these sessions will be a must-attend for any meat processor." 

Mina said presentations from two key bodies will headline the free sessions, to be held on Wednesday March 8 from noon to 4pm, where up to 150 attendees from 60 companies are expected to hear presentations from Meat & Livestock Australia's (MLA) R&D Program Managers, Supply Chain Technology, Christian Ruberg and Darryl Heidke, and, Chairman of the Australian Meat Processor Corporation (AMPC), Peter Noble.

Working in collaboration with the government and red meat industry, MLA invests in R&D and marketing that contributes to industry profitability, sustainability and global competitiveness.

Ruberg and Heidke will present on how technology, data and collaboration are an integral  part of the future red meat value chain. Their session will outline how the latest automation systems integrated with advanced sensing are leading to impressive productivity increases for the Australian red meat industry. For example, advanced sensing — initially proposed to drive robotic cutting — is leading to highly accurate information on every carcass, allowing processors to optimise their boning rooms and market allocation of product. The MLA session will also outline how technology providers can access Commonwealth research funds to leverage and fast-track their meat industry innovations through MLA's subsidiary MLA Donor Company.

AMPC is the Rural Research and Development Corporation supporting Australia's red meat processing industry, improving sector sustainability and efficiency. Adopting new technologies, developing new products and product differentiation are all critical to reducing costs and improving operational efficiencies without compromising workforce safety or product integrity — crucial for Australia, which is recognised for its high-quality meat — and Noble will elaborate on this.

ETF's Anne-Marie Mina said, "This free half-day forum is open to everyone, and is an excellent opportunity to network and also hear the latest on industry hot topics, which could lead to impressive productivity increases as a possible commercial outcome if attendees implement some of the new technologies and solutions. We're really excited about Processing Day, which will add value at AUSPACK 2017 for processors."

Mina said many exhibitors will be showcasing processing solutions at AUSPACK, including Heat and Control, Viking Food Solutions, JL Lennard, Scott Automation & Robotics, Foodmach, Walls Machinery, Aurora Process Solutions and Active Magnetics Research.

"Machine operators work at high speed in meat processing, so cutting accuracy and safety are two important factors. Scott Automation & Robotics, on Stand 250, has made some significant advances in improving both efficiency and safety in Australian meat factories. We've put together a video that shows that perfectly."

Processing Day agenda:

12-12:45pm: MLA keynote presentation: "The Future in Automation and Objective Measurement in Optimised Meat Value Chains"

12:45-1:30pm: AMPC keynote presentation: "The Importance of R&D in the Red Meat Processing Industry"

1:30-2:15pm: Lunch and networking

2:15-3pm: 1-on-1 meetings between processors and machinery suppliers (organised by AUSPACK's Client Engagement Manager, Luke Kasprzak)

3-4pm: Exhibition floor tour, highlighting processing machinery and solution exhibitors

AUSPACK 2017 will provide many opportunities to see hundreds of processing and packaging innovations, engage in education and training and enhance networking opportunities within the industry. For more information about AUSPACK 2017, please visit

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